12 of the 10,000 Things Parents Need to Remember
Good parenting is hard! That’s all there is to it.
It is the most complex, most difficult and most important job in the world. And we are supposed to do it with no formal training.
Of course, we do have those who have walked this road before us, if only we would listen to them.
We have the good examples of our own parents to follow.
Or the awful examples of our parents to avoid.
We have books, videos, seminars, workshops, blogs that give us (sometimes) way too much advice.
And, as Christians, we have the one and only perfect parent to guide us—along with His handbook. Thank you, God, our Heavenly Father.
So, I’m going to add to the online advice ad infinitum…
- How to be silly sometimes.
• Ways to honor your child’s feelings without giving in to them.
• When to be a good loser.
• When to say “I’m sorry” and “I was wrong.”
• How to discipline without crushing their spirits.
• That it’s more important for children to learn HOW to think than WHAT to think.
• To show approval and love regardless of the child’s performance or grades.
• When to lecture, when to calmly question, and when to shut-up and listen.
• When and how to point out the positive in a person or situation.
• Not to EVER withhold love and acceptance. NEVER.
• How to exercise grace.
• To compliment every hand-made project or gift.
I know—they are not all earth-shaking things! But parenting isn’t always earth-shaking. However, all those insignificant moments become a mountain on which to build a life for your offspring.
God’s blessings on each of you as you parent intentionally and confidently following your HEAVENLY FATHER’S example.